(905) 417-8700

Frequently Asked Questions

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What Should I Do About My Fear of the Dentist?

Many people fear the dentist. Unfortunately, there’s also a tendency to avoid the dentist because of that fear.  There are also people who get anxious about going to the dentist, and will therefore go only when absolutely necessary. For some, fear is based on a previous bad experience at the dentist's office. For others, fear stems from the anticipation of pain. 

Whatever the cause, many dentists are already providing a non-threatening clinic environment. Whether it’s a comfortable and relaxing waiting room, or special treatment protocols, today’s modern dental office is designed to embrace the fearful patient. At the Mackenzie Dental Centre, this is true for both adults and children – and it makes a big difference.

The truth is, visiting a dentist in Woodbridge is not really as painful as patients might expect. In fact, surveys have shown that many patients anticipate more pain or discomfort than they actually experience after a procedure. The good news is that many clinics now offer a number of options for sedation during a procedure - it’s an effective way to diminish patient anxiety. 

Sedation and Dental Anxiety

At the Mackenzie Dental Centre, Moderate Sedation is offered to patients who may benefit from a less stressful treatment or procedure. Also known as Conscious Sedation, it allows a patient to be more relaxed, yet conscious and awake. Dr. Lloyd Pedvis is professionally licensed to administer Moderate Sedation, while the clinic team monitors the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate. 

Depending on the particular procedure, Dr. Pedvis decides on administering Minimal Sedation or Moderate Sedation, both of which allow a patient to have a comfortable, stress-free experience. For patients with fear or anxiety associated with the dentist’s office, the Mackenzie Dental Centre may well be the best option. After all, the results far outweigh the avoidance of a visit. 

At the Mackenzie Dental Centre, our dentists serve the Vaughan, Maple, and Woodbridge communities. Contact us online to book an appointment now!

Dr. Lloyd Pedvis BSC, MSC, DDS

Find out how Mackenzie Dental Centre can help you achieve your greatest smile.

Our Location

Proudly serving:
Woodbridge, Maple & Vellore


3450 Major Mackenzie Drive West #5 Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 4J5

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