(905) 417-8700

How Can a Woodbridge Dental Clinic Help You Prevent Cavities?

Posted on December 31, 2018

If you don’t have a dentist to take care of your teeth and see regularly, consider Mackenzie Dental, a Woodbridge dental clinic. How often do you see a dentist and if you have children, how often do you take your kids? If the answer isn’t every 6 months, then you risk getting cavities and other oral health problems. Going to your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings can make a HUGE difference for your overall health as cavities could lead to more serious problems. Don’t sacrifice your health and your teeth just because you haven’t found the right dentist. Mackenzie Dental Centre can guide you through a safe, clean, and painless teeth cleaning and checkup! Take the right steps to maintain good health for your whole family.

What are cavities? Mackenzie Dental Centre, a woodbridge dental clinic explains:

See your dentist regularly and take care of your teeth to avoid cavities. A cavity is a hole in your tooth that can grow larger and deeper over the course of time. A cavity can develop when a tooth breaks down or decays. Cavities are also referred to as dental caries. It goes without saying that if you have a cavity, it's imperative to get it repaired as soon as possible.

Holes can form in your teeth because of plaque buildup. Plaque is a slimy and sticky substance that mostly consists of germs that cause tooth decay. The bacteria inside your mouth make acids. When plaque sticks to your teeth, the acids can then strip away the outer layer of your tooth, which is also referred to as enamel.

If you don't visit a Woodbridge dental clinic regularly, the acids in your mouth can eat through your enamel. As a result, the inner parts of your tooth can start to decay (rot). Toothaches are often linked to cavities that traveled inside a tooth, where your nerve endings are. You certainly never want to experience that kind of pain.

If your dentist discovers a cavity in one of your teeth, he or she can fix it by removing the rotted part with a dental drill. Then, your dentist will fill in the hole (filling). Sometimes the procedure can hurt, however, you will typically receive anesthetic—medicine that numbs the area being worked on. Taking care of your teeth and seeing your dentist regularly can help you avoid all of this!

How do you prevent cavities?woodbridge dental clinic

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Clean between your teeth everyday with floss to remove plaque that’s hard to reach with your toothbrush
  • Use toothpaste that contains fluoride which will strengthen your teeth and help prevent unwanted cavities
  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar
  • Change your toothbrush every three months or whenever it appears worn down—newer the bristles can better remove plaque
  • Last but not least, visit your dentist regularly, about every six months, for routine exams and cleanings

How your Woodbridge dentist can help you maintain healthy teeth

Prevent cavities and the associated pain

Our Woodbridge dental clinic wants to help you prevent cavities and improve your oral health. Plaque is the main cause of tooth decay. It eats away at the tooth enamel and can lead to cavities if left untreated. You can have plaque buildup removed by proper brushing, flossing and regular dental cleanings.

Prevent tooth loss

Gum disease begins with plaque buildup and is a main cause of tooth loss in adults. As gum disease progresses, plaque can move down your tooth where it can destroy your supporting jaw bone. This can then cause your teeth to become loose and eventually fall out. Regular dental cleanings and good oral hygiene can prevent this from occurring.

Boost your overall health

At our Woodbridge dental clinic, we know good oral health means good overall health. Research supports a connection between your overall health and oral health. Getting regular dental cleanings may help lower your risk for some diseases, such as stroke and even heart disease. Many medical conditions can be found at an early stage by your dentist during a routine oral exam.

Freshen your breath

Taking proper care of your oral hygiene prevents bad breath. Brushing and flossing regularly doesn’t accomplish what your dentist can do. Getting regular cleanings will help keep your mouth odour-free. Regular cleanings are also very important for your oral health.

Enjoy a bright smile

Consuming wine, coffee, tea and tobacco use can stain your teeth. You can remove stains and buildup with regular dental cleanings, which will also leave your teeth polished. You’ll also enjoy a brighter and whiter smile.

Save your money

Most health plans offer good coverage for oral exams and dental cleanings. Take advantage of your benefits now so you can save money in the long term by helping to protect your oral health. Thus, you will potentially avoid costly procedures that could be required down the road.

What happens during a dental cleaning?

Physical exam

Today most teeth cleanings are carried out by a dental hygienist. At our Woodbridge dental clinic, you’ll often have a physical exam of your entire mouth first. Your dental hygienist will check your gums and teeth for any signs of inflamed gums (gingivitis) and other potential issues. If any serious problems are discovered, the dental hygienist might call in the dentist to take a look.

Removing tartar and plaque

The dental hygienist will use a scaler to get rid of any tartar and plaque between your teeth and around your gum line. You will hear scraping sounds. More tartar or plaque means more scraping will be needed. Brushing and flossing prevents plaque buildup which hardens into tartar. If you have tartar, you can only have it removed at your dentist’s office.

Toothpaste cleaning

After your teeth have been cleaned of tartar, your hygienist will brush them with a high-powered electric brush. This provides deep cleaning and removes any tartar left behind. Professional cleanings use toothpaste that tastes and smells like the regular toothpaste you use. The difference is it has a gritty texture that gently scrubs your teeth. Don’t be as harsh when you brush at home because you’ll wear down your tooth enamel.


Your dental hygienist will get deep between your teeth and find any difficult spots where you might possibly bleed at the gums. This helps to remove any leftover plaque or toothpaste left behind from earlier.


At this point in your visit, you will get rid of any debris left in your mouth by rinsing thoroughly. Your dental hygienist will usually give you a rinse that contains liquid fluoride. Some hygienists give the rinse before starting to work on your mouth.

Fluoride treatment

The last step is often a fluoride treatment. This serves as a protectant for several months and helps fight against cavities. They will give you a sticky paste or foamy gel in a mouthpiece that covers your teeth. This treatment will only take about one minute.

Choose Mackenzie Dental For Your Next Cleaning

Looking for a new dentist that offers all the dental services your family needs? You are in the right place! Your Woodbridge dentist is now accepting new patients. Mackenzie Dental Center, a Woodbridge dental clinic, can help you maintain healthy teeth and ultimately help you prevent cavities and other dental complications.

Make your appointment today. Call us at (905) 417-8700 to find out how we can help take care of your whole family. For more information, contact us.

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